02 September 2016


This refreshing persimmon cocktail is a great alternative to mimosas. It’s fresh, not too sweet, and you get your dose of champagne!

I purchased two persimmons spontaneously a few days ago and I had no clue what to do with them. I chose to make a mixed drink and enrolled my significant other's recommendation on what might work, as he used to be a barkeep numerous moons prior. We concocted a mixed drink made up of persimmon puree, lime juice, creme de cassis (an alcohol made of blackcurrants), and finished up with champagne. 

This would be an extraordinary mixed drink for an occasion party or for informal breakfast! I like how this mixed drink isn't excessively solid. I could complete the *ahem* photoshoot tests without falling over like I typically would in the event that I had more than one beverage, you see.

Recipe type: Drink/Cocktail
Prep time:  
Cook time:  
Total time:  
Serves: 2
A refreshing cocktail made of persimmons, creme de cassis, lime juice, and champagne.

  • 2 persimmons
  • 1 shot creme de cassis
  • Juice from 1/2 lime
  • Champagne (or dry sparkling wine), to top up glasses
  1. Peel the persimmons (I cut them into smaller pieces, discarding the core, then use a knife to peel them).
  2. Add persimmon pieces, lime juice, and creme de cassis to blender. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour mixture from blender into two martini glasses. Top up glasses with champagne and stir.
I understand not wanting to buy a whole bottle of champagne to make this. We buy the small bottles of champagne (or sparkling wine/prosecco). A 200ml/6.8 oz. bottle makes two of these cocktails.

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