Can I use your photos and/or recipe on my blog?
We kindly ask that you do not re-publish our recipes, but if you are a blogger or other media outlet, you are welcome to use one photo along with a clear link back to the recipe on mymenurecipes.com
Can I buy ad space on My Menu Recipes?We don’t have banner ads, so we’re currently not selling ad space.
Can I contribute an article or recipe?
Thanks, but right now we only feature content that we create ourselves.
I’d like to become a sponsor, can you send me more information about your availability and rates?
Yep, absolutely, email me and we’ll chat.
Can I send you my product in exchange for a post?
Our posts take a considerable amount of time to create so we do not accept products in exchange for coverage. If you’d like to become a sponsor, see above.
What camera do you use?
Most of the time we use a Canon 5D Mark II and a 50mm f/1.2 lens. When we travel, we use a Sony A7R with a Sony 55mm F1.8 lens (or an iphone).

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