31 August 2016


All things considered, I've begun and quit keeping in touch with this post like a million times now.

I think all of you know where I am running with this, as it's been quite clear to everybody I haven't been around here much nowadays. When I began keeping in touch with this online journal, in 2007, I had NO Clue it would get to be what it has throughout the years. I didn't begin this to profit, to compose a book, to go on excursions, to make companions, to improve as a cook…

Those things came after some time, beyond any doubt, yet first and foremost I just kept in touch with share my life. I didn't think anybody truly minded what I needed to say or what I was doing, however it turned out they did! What's more, gradually, gradually, gradually this online journal turned into a power — a main thrust — in my life.

After some time, it turned into my all day employment and I worshiped each second of it. Some of you have been perusing my website since I began and I need in all seriousness, so. You all have seen me through crosscountry moves, breakups, passing, marriage, life… the rundown goes on. After my sibling passed away, this website was one of the main things that kept me going for a long time. I owe all of you a million expressions of gratitude for staying with me through various challenges.

Be that as it may, if there's one thing I've taken in, it's that life is constantly evolving. We are dependably a work in advancement, never finished.

What's more, I'm simply going to be genuine legitimate with all of you right now and say that I haven't been energetic about composing this site for quite a while now.

I don't comprehend what turned the change, frankly. I simply realize that you folks merit more than me composing unremarkable blog entries like clockwork.

I would rather compose nothing by any stretch of the imagination, than compose something without enthusiasm in it. I'm sad, yet that is the true blue truth.

Be that as it may, guess what? For so long, I felt unfathomably regretful about not having any desire to keep in touch with this website any longer.

I had a feeling that I owed it to the world to proceed, despite the fact that I wasn't into it any longer. I felt regretful in light of the fact that I've been exceptionally effective as a blogger and leaving all that just appeared to be senseless. Like, why might you leave a consummately extraordinary employment you made for yourself years back? An occupation that is brought you individual fellowships, money related flexibility, trips the world over and the capacity to telecommute. Doesn't everybody need that? I must be truly off my rocker to discard that. Along these lines, I pushed the idea under the floor covering and regarded it to be a phase I was experiencing, whatever blah. Months passed by.

Yet, then I began awakening in the center night truly having alarm assaults over composing blog entries… .and after that I sat down with myself, put forth some fiercely genuine inquiries and took to my diary. I supplicated and listened and stood up to some profound truths and fears about myself. Furthermore, I understood that as much as I appreciated written work this site in my twenties, the time had come to proceed onward to something new.

Exactly when I reached every one of those notable decisions was correct when a fresh out of the box new open door was placed in my lap. Without precedent for quite a while,

 I fondled FIRED. I've propelled my new business as an online wellbeing and wellness mentor and I am insane in adoration with it. It feels astounding and nurturing for me to explore new territory like this. A fresh start, another begin, another employment I'm making for myself that is established in helping other individuals achieve their objectives.

I've been "Jenna, the nourishment blogger" for so long now that it's irregular to consider myself anything other than that. In any case, YES. This. I could feel where it counts in my bones this was the right move for me at this moment and I recently accepted that open door and kept running with it.

Try not to stress — the files and every one of the formulas and old posts will even now here for you. I could never be so mean as to deny you of my mother's renowned spaghetti sauce formula or anything. That is to say, go ahead. Remarks later on will, notwithstanding, be handicapped.

I likewise warmly welcome you folks to keep taking after my excursion on Facebook and Instagram! Furthermore, I would love to talk by and by with any of you on the off chance that you have wellbeing or wellness objectives you'd like some assistance with achieving. It's been a gigantic gift in my life to get the chance to "know" every one of you on here.

Much obliged to you for perusing each day, for your messages, your messages, your remarks. I can't thank you enough for your backing in the course of recent years. I adore you folks and trust we as a whole can stay in touch!

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